Data Release Updates

Version Release Date                 Description
pcdc_20240709_2 Jul 09, 2024 Added 1171 new subjects + ancillary records for INSTRuCT and INTERACT, along with 1755 molecular analysis records for existing INRG COG subjects. INRG COG Mosse ALK: 1755 molecular analysis records for existing subjects; INSTRuCT (NRSTS) MMT data set, RMS95 study: 573 subjects + ancillary; INTERACT COG data set, AAML03P1 study: 339 subjects + ancillary; INTERACT (EuPAL) DCOG data set: 117 subjects + ancillary; INTERACT (EuPAL) PPLLSG data set: 142 subjects + ancillary
pcdc_20240409 Apr 09, 2024 Updated disease phase timing records and added disease characteristics and myeloid sarcoma involvement records for INTERACT JPLSG, and updated histology records for NODAL COG
pcdc_20240130 Jan 30, 2024 Initial data release for the INTERACT consortium: AMLBFM2004, AMLBFM2012, AMLBFMRegistry2012, AAML0531,AML02, AML08, and JPLSGAML05 studies; INSTRuCT: inclusion of previously missing data and new cases; INRG: updated data from COG and updated trial assignment; NODAL: new data from the AHOD03P1 study.
pcdc_20231114 Nov 14, 2023 Addition of NODAL (SJCRH/HOD05) and MaGIC (DFCI Registry) data
pcdc_20230912 Sept 12, 2023 Addition of MaGIC and NODAL data; updated INRG COG data; update INRG SIOPEN studies and treatment arms; changes to data dictionary
pcdc_20230523 May 23, 2023 Added INRG SJCRH data for NB84, NB91, NB97, NB2005, NB2008, NB2012, NB8814 studies; added data for COG ANBL00B1 study
pcdc_20230228 Feb 28, 2023 Added INRG and INSTRuCT data; corrections to INRG AGE_AT_CENSOR_STATUS values; added permissible values to data dictionary for new data