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Project 1

Title Front-end and Adaptive Question Rendering
Description The objective is to enhance the user-friendliness of our clinical trial matching application, particularly for individuals without medical expertise. To achieve this, we are incorporating an algorithm to prioritize the questions presented to the user. The contributor will focus on optimizing and implementing the REACTJS web application component, enabling the rendering of various question types with different input formats.
Expected Outcomes An adaptive web form capable of dynamically adjusting based on a JSON input will be developed, and this new component will be integrated into the main application.
Skills REACTJS, Javascript
Mentors TBD - One of the Senior Developer in the team.
Project Size 350 hours
Rating medium

Project 2

Title Self Generate Table 1 (also known as demographics table)
Description Table 1, commonly found in papers and publications, serves as a summary table, often positioned as the initial table in these documents and hence referred to as “Table 1.” This table provides a descriptive distribution of the data. Each row corresponds to a variable (e.g., age), and each column represents a variable or a group of variables defining a category of distribution (e.g., sex). At each intersection of the rows and columns, there is a count or percentage of the population. In this example, the cell [age: female] contains the mean age value for the female subjects in the dataset, while the cell [age: male] holds the mean age for the male subjects, and so forth.
Expected Outcomes An adaptable Table 1 designed to accommodate both continuous and categorical variables, along with combinations of variables in the grouping definition.
Skills Python, Javascript
Mentors TBD - One of the Senior Developer in the team.
Project Size 350 hours
Rating hard

Project 3

Title Improve the automation and the infrastructure as code cooverage of our infrastructure
Description Over 50% of our codebase currently necessitates manual deployment and lacks ease of reproducibility for those unfamiliar with the procedure. The solution involves enhancing the CI/CD pipeline. Given that a significant portion of our infrastructure is hosted on AWS, an additional objective is to incorporate Terraform and broaden the coverage to include Google Cloud.
Expected Outcomes Enhancing infrastructure as code and its associated automation by 10-15%.
Skills Terraform, AWS
Mentors TBD - One of the Senior Developer in the team.
Project Size 350 hours
Rating medium

Project 4

Title Improve the automation in testing
Description Establish a Jenkins pipeline to automate the testing of our applications. Additionally, configure integration test scenarios that are currently executed manually.
Expected Outcomes Establishing a functional Jenkins pipeline with comprehensive test coverage.
Skills Terraform, AWS
Mentors TBD - One of the Senior Developer in the team.
Project Size 350 hours
Rating medium

Project 5

Title Exploration of a new Component of the opensource GEN3 framework
Description The contributor will assess the viability of the new GEN3 frontend framework, involving tasks such as local deployment and exploration of various customizations. If the framework proves to be a valuable REACTJS application, the contributor will proceed to migrate the main component from our existing REACTJS frontend application to this new frontend framework.
Expected Outcomes Either migrate our main components to the new application if the new tool yields positive results or remove the migration of the new frontend framework from our roadmap.
Skills Javascript, REACTJS
Mentors TBD - One of the Senior Developer in the team.
Project Size 350 hours
Rating medium